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Volunteer Competencies

Whilst some of the following would not be relevant for non-broadcasting members, in general the following competencies and behaviours are expected from members (after training, where appropriate):

We want members to show:

  • Enthusiasm
  • Ability to articulate and communicate well with our audiences and stakeholders
  • Ability to interact positively with other volunteers, and older people
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Willingness to prioritise the needs of older people
  • Ability to use initiative
  •  Professional attitudes
  • Willingness to comply with all relevant Coastway policies
  • High expectations of themselves.
  • Commitment to Coastway’s vision
  • Effective planning for programmes that will appeal to our target audiences for specific reasons.
  • Respect for social, cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Understanding of the positive values, attitudes and behaviours that are expected at Coastway, and an awareness of the rules and framework they will be expected to worth within
  • Concern for the well-being of our listeners and their carers
  • Ability to communicate sensitively and effectively with others
  • Commitment to contributing to, and sharing responsibly for the corporate life of the station
  • Ability to improve their own practice, through evaluation and learning from the effective practice of others and from feedback from mentors
  • Motivation and ability to take increasing responsibility for own practice
  • Consideration for Health & Safety issues Willingness to take part in, and contribute to the Coastway team by attending meetings, participating in fundraising and other events
  • Ability to research and analyse background information related to items they plan to use, in order to be able to provide complete and accurate information
  • Programme content based on audience tastes
  • Willingness to study background information to prepare for programmes
  • Ability to communicate effectively with people outside Coastway representing the organisation to all stakeholders.
  • Awareness of the importance of keeping up-to-date with the latest technology and ability to apply new knowledge appropriately.·
  • Effective use of studio equipment
  • Good microphone technique
  • Skill to use the mixer and maintain consistently appropriate sound levels
  • Commitment to providing a regular programme
  • Willingness to interact with our listeners directly
  • To work as part of a team appropriate for our audience
  • Engagement  with ‘off air’ tasks
  • Understanding of the need to maintain appropriate confidentiality in dealings with others
  • Attendance at  volunteer meetings and mandatory training sessions